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Dates For Your Diary

Autumn Term


19th: Year 4 At The Woods
20th: Residential Parents Meeting
21st: Year 5 Swimming
26th: Year 5 At The Woods
27th: Flu Immunisation
27th: Yr1 Grandparents Afternoon
28th: Year 5 Swimming
28th: Year 6 WW2 Experience


2nd: Individual/Sibling Photos
3rd: Year 6 At The Woods
5th: Year 5 Swimming
5th: Friends of de Vere AGM 
9th: Open Morning For 2024
10th: Year 3 At The Woods
12th: Year 5 Swimming
17th: Year 4 At The Woods
19th: Year 6 Bikeability
19th: Year 2 Art Attack
19th: Year 5 Swimming
20th: Year 6 Bikeability
20th: Last Day Of Half Term
30th: Return To School


1st: Year 1 To The Woods
2nd: Reception To The Woods
2nd: Year 6 Bikeability
2nd: Year 5 Swimming
3rd: Year 6 Bikeability
6th: Year 6 Residential Trip
9th: Year 5 Swimming
20th: Open Day For 2024 Starters
23rd: Year 5 Swimming
29th: Year 1 To The Woods
30th: Reception To The Woods
30th: Year 5 Swimming
29th: Open Day For 2024 Starters


4th: Parkour Festival
5th: Year 5 Woods
7th: Year 5 Swimming
12th: Year 6 Woods
12th: EYFS Nativity
13th: Christmas Lunch
14th: KS1 Nativity (09:15am)
14th: Care Home Christmas Songs
14th: KS1 Nativity (2:15pm)
15th: Friends 'Christmas Experience'
18th: Panto Visit To School
19th: KS2 Carols At The Church
19th: Last Day Of Term


Spring Term


4th: Return To School
8th: Clubs & Tuition Begins
8th: Class 2 To The Woods
9th: Class 3 To The Woods
10th: Class R To The Woods
10th: Class 2 PE Day (Change)
11th: Class 1 To The Woods
11th: Dance Club Begins
16th: Class 4 To The Woods
17th: Young Voices Concert
22nd: Parent Drop In Session
23rd: Class 5 To The Woods
24th: Family TPP Session (2pm)
24th: Family TPP Session (4pm)
29th: Cross Country Event
30th: Class 6 To The Woods
31st: Family TPP Session (2pm)
31st: Family TPP Session (4pm)


2nd: Parent Drop-In Homework Session
6th: Safer Internet Day
6th: Class 3 To The Woods
7th: Family TPP Session (2pm)
7th: Family TPP Session (4pm)
9th: KS2 Movie Night Event
12th: Parent Consultations
13th: Class 4 To The Woods
13th: NSPCC Workshop
14th: Family TPP Session (2pm)
14th: Family TPP Session (4pm)
14th: Parent Consultations
16th: 50 Years Of de Vere Assembly
19th: February Half Term
26th: Return To School
27th: Class 5 To The Woods
27th: In Class Photos
28th: Family TPP Session (2pm)
28th: Family TPP Session (4pm)


5th: Class 6 To The Woods
5th: CYO Assembly
6th: Family TPP Session (2pm)
6th: Family TPP Session (4pm)
11th: Parent Drop In Session
11th: Mothers Day - Tea & Cake
12th: Class 3 To The Woods
15th: Disco (Theme TBC)
18th: Tennis Festival
19th: Class 4 To The Woods
20th: Class 3 & 4 Play
21st: Class 3 & 4 Play
26th: Class 5 To The Woods
28th: Library Bus Visit Class R
28th: World Book Day
28th: Author Ian Eagleton Visit

Easter Holidays:
Premier Sports Holiday Camp

15th: Return To School
16th: Class 6 To The Woods
19th: Class 5 Zoo Trip
19th: Class R Dental Survey
22nd: Colchester Zoo Visit
23rd: Class 3 To The Woods
25th: Class 4 Viking Day
30th: Class 4 To The Woods

Summer Term

3rd: FITC Football Session
7th: Class 5 To The Woods
10th: Class 2 Space Day
13th: Class R Trip To Boydells
13th: SATS Week
14th: Class 6 To The Woods
15th: Class 4 Tennis Session
17th: Class 6 Woods Morning
17th: Class 5 Reward Afternoon
20th: Walk To School Week
21st: Class 3 To The Woods
21st: Football Fundraising Event
22nd: Class 6 Tennis Session

3rd: INSET Day
4th: Journey To A Greener Future Day
4th: Class 4 Woods
5th: Class 3 Trip To Pizza Express
5th: World Environment Day
5th: Class 6 Tennis Session
7th: Non Uniform Day
7th: KS1 Movie Night
7th: World Ocean Day
11th: Class 3 Woods
12th: Class 5 Tennis Session
17th: Fathers Day Afternoon
17th: Class Photos
18th: Class 5 Woods
19th: Class 5 Tennis Session
20th: Class 6 London Trip
21st: Summer Fayre
25th: Charter Hall Event
25th: Yr5 Taster Day
25th: Food & Farming Event
26th: Class 3 Tennis Session
27th: Year 6 To Hedingham
28th: Year 6 To Hedingham


2nd: Year 5 & 6 Create Day
2nd: Class 4 Woods
3rd: Sports Day
3rd Class 3 Tennis Session
8th: Class R Showcase Assembly
9th: Class 1 Showcase Assembly
9th: Class 6 Woods
10th: Reserve Sports Day
11th: Class 2 Showcase Assembly
16th: Class 3 Showcase Assembly
16th: Class 5 & 6 Performance
16th: Class 3 Woods
17th: Class 5 Showcase Assembly
17th: Class 5 & 6 Performance
18th: Class 4 Showcase Assembly
23rd: Year 6 Leavers Assembly
23rd: Last Day Of Term

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