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Class R

Welcome to Reception Year in Earheart Class

Welcome to reception at de Vere! Earheart class is taught by Miss Hutchings and supported by our fantastic LSAs, Mrs De’ath and Miss Smith. Reception is such an important year as the children begin their journey through school life and you will be amazed at how much they achieve throughout the year. Please read the following to ensure you have all the important information you will need.


We have developed our own EYFS curriculum, where we learn through a play and exploration and support children to build on their knowledge and skills, both indoors and outdoors. The children learn so much throughout the year and take part in many exciting opportunities and experiences linked to our topics:

Autumn 1: This is me

Autumn 2: Let’s Celebrate

Spring 1: Animal Adventures

Spring 2: Once Upon a Time

Summer 1: Ready, Steady, Grow

Summer 2: Sun, Sea & Sand


This year, children in Class R will not have regular woods sessions until Spring 2 (after February half term). These sessions will be led by Mr Mooney on a Thursday afternoon. We hope to have a couple of introductory sessions in Autumn and I will send out a separate message to inform you of these dates nearer the time. When these sessions happen, please ensure your child has a named pair of wellies in school and that they come into school dressed appropriately for the weather in their black woods uniform.


Our PE lessons will be on a Wednesday afternoon. Please provide your child with a PE kit consisting of; black shorts, a coloured house team top and trainers/plimsols. You may like to include jogging bottoms and a jumper for the colder weather. PE kits will stay in school and be brought home every half term. Children are encouraged to get changed independently, but adults will of course help where needed. Please note that earrings must be removed prior to the lesson either at home or by the child, as teachers are unable to help with this.


Please ensure the correct uniform is worn to school everyday. All items of uniform MUST be named. Any unnamed items will be taken to lost property. A reminder that for headlice prevention reasons, long hair must be tied fully up. One pair of small stud earrings may be worn but these must be removed for PE days.

Homework & Expectations:

For the first few weeks of school, children will bring home a wordless book. This aims to encourage storytelling skills and develop story language. Once formal phonics teaching begins, children will bring home a reading book matched to their phonic level, as well as library book for you to share together. Library books will be changed once a week and reading books will be changed when they have been read at least 4 times at home. Repetition is key! Games and e-books may also be set on edshed. You will find your child’s log in details in the front cover of their reading record.


Please ensure you read the newsletter which will come out every 2 weeks on a Friday. This will contain the most up to date information about what is going on in school and links to the website where our class blog will be updated with what we have been getting up to. As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to speak with me at the end of school or leave a message via the school office if it is more urgent.


11th October 2024

We have had a jam packed couple of weeks in Class R as we continue our ‘This is me’ topic! Last week, we focused on learning all about our bodies, naming the different body parts and thinking about the amazing things our bodies can do and how we have changed since we were little. We also learnt about our five senses and went on a field was to see what we could see, feel, smell and hear – it was very rainy though! This week we have focused on our community and learnt lots about people who help us. The children have enjoyed dressing up, talking about their parent’s jobs and reading the story ‘You can’t call an elephant in an emergency’. We were also very lucky to have a visit from the fire service as part of our learning this week and it was so much fun - “The best day ever!”

In maths we have been busy learning to compare amounts, using the language of ‘more’ and ‘fewer’, as well as comparing size and mass using vocabulary such as ‘taller’, ‘shorter’, ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’. In phonics, we have met so many more characters from the phonics shed! We now know the sounds: s, a, t, p, I, n, m, d, g, o, c and k.  We continue to focus on writing the sounds carefully and are beginning to use our knowledge of them to read and write simple words. Next week we will be learning four new sounds, practising our careful counting and reading the story ‘The Little Red Hen.’

27th September 2024

It has been another fun filled couple of weeks in Class R. Last week our focus story was ‘The Colour Monster’ and the children enjoyed exploring the different colours and emotions. The children enjoyed talking about times when they have felt happy, sad, angry, scared, calm and loved and then used their sticking skills to sort different coloured materials into the correct jars.  This week we have spent lots of time talking about our families and the people who are special to us. The children loved sharing photos of their families, drawing lots of pictures and talking about how our families are all different but amazing. We also recognised European Day of Languages, where we dressed up, made flags and tried to build some landmarks. We learnt lots about Spain from Amaya – Gracias Amaya!

In maths we have been busy learning to sort and match objects, which helps form the foundation for more complex maths skills in Early Years. In phonics, we practised blending orally before moving on to learning Chapter 2, Set 1 sounds: s, a, t and p.  We loved meeting Sam, Anna, Tom and Pat from the phonics shed and learning what sounds they make. We enjoyed listened to their songs and stories and practised writing the sounds in lots of different ways. I wonder who we will meet next?

13th September 2024

Class R have had a very busy start to their school journey! The children have spent the last week settling in and getting to know the adults and the environment. We are continuing to learn all of the routines of school life and showing how we can be kind, safe and responsible. We have started our topic of ‘This is me!’ by focusing on getting to know each other and exploring our similarities and differences. We had a go at painting pictures of ourselves. We have enjoyed exploring outside, building obstacle courses, building models, drawing, listening to stories and lots more. Next week, we will focus on the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and exploring the different colours and emotions.

This week we were excited to meet Joe! He is a character who works at the phonics shed and he is helping us to be active listeners. We have begun listening for sounds in words and next week we will be exploring oral blending. We can’t wait to meet more characters from the phonics shed when we start learning lots of sounds! Well done Class R for completing your first full week of school!


12th July 2024

We have had lots of fun continuing our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ topic over the last couple of weeks. We finished our learning on Billy’s Bucket by writing sentences about the lovely things the children saw using their wonderful imaginations. We then moved on to reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which really got the children thinking about how life can be different in other countries. We talked about the similarities and differences between our village and a village in Kenya and enjoyed writing questions for Handa.

We enjoyed exploring the various fruits and using interesting words to describe them. The children enjoyed feeling what it would be like to carry them on their heads and then had fun trying all the different flavours – there was not much left!

The children also loved taking part in sports day this week and their usual trip to the woods. Finally, we want to say a big well done to everyone in Class R for smashing their learning showcase on Monday! We are so impressed with how hard they have worked on practising their lines and using their big voices. Well done Class R!

28th June 2024

What a busy couple of weeks! We started off reading the story ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’ which the children loved. They continued their learning about looking after our oceans and made some lovey jellyfish out of recyclable materials and scrap paper. They also imagined what it would be like to be Stanley and wrote what he might say if he could speak. Next, we began reading Billy’s Bucket. The children used their imaginations to think about what they would love to see in a magic bucket like Billy’s…a beautiful mermaid, a big shark and much more.

In maths, we focused on recalling our doubles to 10 automatically and explored different ways of finding doubles to 20. The children especially enjoyed using the rekenreks. This week we used our knowledge of doubling to learn all about halving. Finally, we learnt about floating and sinking and even explored some new words such as “buoyancy” and “density.” The children had fun predicting and exploring which items floated or sunk. Next week, we are looking forward to writing more about Billy’s bucket, solving number problems and taking part in sports day!

14th June 2024

We started off our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ topic by reading the book ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The children worked on describing the main character and talking about the events of the story before using collaging techniques to create their own beautiful rainbow fish. This week, we started writing our own simple book reviews, talking and writing about the best and worst parts of the story. We also recognised World Ocean Day and talked about the importance of keeping the oceans clean. Some of the children made some lovely posters to encourage people to look after our world.

In maths we learnt about odd and even numbers and enjoyed playing games outside with the big numicon, identifying the odds and evens. This week we have been recapping our learning on number bonds and recalling them quickly. In phonics we continue to develop our sentence writing, carefully listening for all sound and using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. As always the children have enjoyed applying their learning in their exploring time both in and outside.

24th May 2024

It’s been a busy few weeks in reception as we finished off our growing topic! We had a fantastic trip to Boydell’s farm where the children enjoyed milking the cow, feeding the sheep, goats, ponies and lambs and of course cuddling the cute kittens. Back at school, we used our phonic knowledge to write simple sentences about our experience. We were also excited to see that our butterflies had emerged from their chrysalises, and we set them free on our field. We hope they will go and lay new eggs to continue the life cycle.

The children have enjoyed making their own butterflies from different materials during their exploring time and they also used collaging techniques to create some beautiful pictures of different animals and plants.

In phonics, we have learnt all about vowels and consonants as well as applying our segmenting skills to writing longer words and sentences. Lots of practise at home will also really help prepare the children for their last half term in reception before year 1!

10th May 2024

We have not stopped in Class R over the last two weeks! We have observed our beans growing, as well as the caterpillars who are now very close to emerging as butterflies. As we moved on to learning about human growth, we focused on the book ‘Avocado baby’. The children wrote lists of what the baby needed and sentences about what they could do as babies. They also painted some beautiful pictures of the baby from the story, thinking carefully about what colours and shapes they needed. The children spoke well about how their bodies have grown and become stronger, and enjoyed making healthy fruit kebabs for snack. Sharing our baby pictures and guessing who is who was lots of fun too!

In maths, we focused on solving addition and subtraction problems within 10, using the skills we have learnt throughout the year. Finally, we have used our knowledge of doubles to support our learning about sharing equally.

We can’t wait for our trip to the farm next week and are looking forward to writing all about it!

26th April 2024

We have had a busy couple of weeks making a start on our ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’ topic! Our focus story has been ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ and the children have painted some very impressive pictures of Jasper and enjoyed exploring the growing tray. They are very excited that one of the beans is already 12 cubes high! Last week, we spent time drawing pictures from the story and using them alongside actions to retell it. This week we have been writing short sentences from the story. We are really focusing on improving our letter formation and writing our sentences independently. In maths, we have been building numbers beyond ten and recognising and ordering numbers to 20, using our developing knowledge.

In our computing time, we have started to explore the beebots and how to input a simple algorithm – the children absolutely loved this and are looking forward to learning more about them. Finally, another highlight was the arrival of our caterpillars. We have already seen them grow so much and we can’t wait to see what happens next!    

22nd March 2024

Last week, Class R’s focus story was ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’. The children were happy to receive a letter from Goldilocks asking for their help to write instructions on how to make porridge. They worked hard to use their phonic knowledge and were excited to then make porridge at the woods with Mr Mooney! This week, we explored the book ‘The Jolly Postman’ and all the letters within the story. The children enjoyed writing messages to their friends and they have also started writing letters to someone at home to – keep your eye on the post next week! In computing, we have started to learn how to type our usernames and how to use a mouse to complete a simple game.

In phonics, we have learnt the sounds ar, or, ur and er. It has been great to see more children completing the reading and writing challenges each day. It’s been a busy few weeks in maths too, with the children exploring ways of making 10 using different resources and this week we have learnt all about doubling.

8th March 2024

Over the last two weeks, we have been focusing on two traditional tales featuring the big bad wolf! The children have enjoyed making their own houses, using construction as well as the collaging using different materials. This week we have been talking a lot about what kind of character the wolf is and having a go at writing simple “He is…” sentences. We learnt that traditional tales were first told many years ago, and the children were intrigued by how some things have changed over time. We went on a hunt outside (in the rain!) to look for pictures from the past and present and spent time comparing them.

In phonics, we have learnt the sounds uw, ow, oi and oo. The children have continued to work on writing words and short sentences containing these sounds. In maths, we have focused on composition by exploring addition and subtraction within 10. Lots of problem solving!

16th February 2024

Last week we had lots of fun learning about Lunar New Year and exploring the story ‘The Great Race’. The children enjoyed finding out what year they were born in, writing about the story, dancing to some Chinese music and eating prawn crackers! This week we read the story ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes’. Our favourite things have been writing ingredients lists to that Mr Wolf doesn’t come and eat us like he does in the story, and of course…decorating and eating pancakes! We also thought about what other stories we might have read about The Big Bad Wolf, as after half term we will be exploring a few different traditional tales that he appears in!

In phonics we have spent lots of time consolidating all our chapter 3 learning so far – all of our digraphs and tricky words. It has been great to see so many children applying their phonics knowledge to our daily writing challenges too. In maths we have been focusing on building 9 and 10 and exploring height and length. We are looking forward to more challenges next half term!

2nd February 2024

Our focus story for the last two weeks has been ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ by Michael Rosen. It has been a big hit and the children have loved retelling the story, exploring the different vocabulary used to describe the setting and even going on their own bear hunts. We had lots of fun creating story maps as well as maps of our outside area and then using them in our play to find the hidden bear! This week we have really been working on how we write a sentence by saying it aloud, putting it in our clever heads, counting the words and using our phonics knowledge to write the words. The daily writing challenge has also been very popular, which is great to see!

In phonics we have continued our chapter 3 learning, focus on the sounds: ai, ee, igh and oa and reading and writing words and short sentences containing the sounds. In maths last week, we focused on finding and representing numbers 6, 7 and 8. This week we have used the tens frames and double sided counters to explore simple addition.

19th January 2024

Over the last two weeks, Wonder Class have enjoyed the start of their ‘Animal Adventures’ topic. We kicked it off by focusing on the story ‘Walking through the jungle’. We imagined what it would be like to walk through the jungle and had a go at writing ‘I can see’ sentences, we has fun creating some wonderful jungle animal paintings and explored how animals live in all kinds of different environments. Google earth was a big hit! This week, we have focused more on our pets and it has been lovely to see some children sharing their photos on tapestry. The children have enjoyed talking about their pets and drawing lovely pictures of them. We learnt what animals needs to survive and were amazed to learn that humans are animals too! We have also had fun looking after the animals in our roleplay vet and we were lucky enough to have a visit from Mrs Auld who taught us lots about what it is like to work at a real veterinary surgery – thank you! 

In phonics we have begun chapter 3 and have learnt the sounds: ng, ch, sh and th. We are becoming more confident in writing words with these sounds and some of us are having a real go at writing short sentences. In maths, we have spent a lot of time developing our subitising skills by playing lots of games and we are trying out best to remember our number bonds to 5. Next week, we are looking forward to going on a bear hunt…

15th December 2023

Wonder Class have had a busy few weeks doing all this Christmas! We have really enjoyed learning about The Christmas Story in RE; using the nativity scene to retell it, drawing and writing about the characters and of course practising and performing our own version. ‘We’re going on a baby hunt!’ We are SO proud of how hard the children worked on this – it was wonderful! We also had a visit from Buddy the elf who leaves us messages each day and sometimes sets us a learning challenge. We’ve enjoyed playing games and talking lots about how we celebrate with our families and friends.

This week we have also loved watching Key Stage 1’s performance, having Christmas dinner with our friends and making our own elf hats. We are looking forward to wearing them next week during our Wonder Class Christmas Party afternoon!

In phonics we have been consolidating our learning, focusing on all the sounds and tricky words we’ve learnt so far. In maths we have been learning about 2D shapes, particularly those with four sides and enjoyed spotting them in the environment We’re looking forward to seeing what the children achieve next when we return to school in January – Happy Christmas!

1st December 2023

Throughout the last two weeks, Wonder Class have been learning all about the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’. They have really enjoyed retelling the story, making treats using the cinnamon playdough and writing lots of words from the story. On Monday, we thought about how the Gingerbread Man would not have been eaten if he had a way of getting across the river safely. So, we explored lots of different materials and tested them to see if they would make a good boat or not. It was great to hear the children explaining their reasoning. Tuesday afternoon we were set a challenge to use junk materials to create a vehicle for The Gingerbread man and what great ideas we had! Boats, Aeroplanes, Submarines and even Jet skis!

In phonics we have learnt the sounds: y, z and qu and we explored double letter digraphs: ff, ll, ss, zz. We continue to practise our blending and segmenting skills using these sounds. In maths we have learnt about the numbers 4 and 5 – recognising the numeral, counting accurately, subitising amounts and finding different ways of making the numbers.

16th November 2023

What a busy few weeks it has been in Wonder Class! We continued with our topic of ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ We began by using our phonics knowledge to write noisy firework words like “pop, hiss, spit” which the children enjoyed. In RE, we explored the Hindu festival, Diwali. We read the story of Rama and Sita and learnt how the festival is sometimes celebrated. The children found it interesting that someone people celebrate with fireworks and they enjoyed making lanterns to represent the festival of light.

We also learnt about Remembrance and why people may choose to wear a poppy. The children loved making their own poppy field pictures using printing techniques. This week we have continued to develop our creative skills by focusing on the artist, Kandinksy, and painting pictures similar to his work using primary colours.

In phonics we have learnt the sounds: h, b, f, l, j, v, w and x. We continue to practise our blending and segmenting skills using these sounds. Please continue to read at home to support with this! In maths last week, we explored composition to 3 and this week we are focusing on identifying shapes.

3rd November 2023

The children in Wonder Class have returned to school ready to learn! We started our ‘Let’s Celebrate!’ topic by talking about times that are special to us and the children loved talking about how they celebrate Halloween. We enjoyed making paper plate pumpkins, making spooky potions, playing a Halloween number game and completing pumpkin puzzles to build our names. We also begun learning about the story of Guy Fawkes and had fun creating firework pictures. We spoke about how not everyone celebrates the same things and this is ok! We are looking forward to learning about different celebrations during RE, such as Diwali and Christmas.

We have not learnt any new sounds in phonics this week and have instead spent time consolidating what we have learnt so far; recognising and writing sounds and hearing them in words. We are looking forward to meeting more characters from the phonics shed next week. In maths we have been working on our representing 1, 2 and 3 in different ways and practising our subitising. Next week, we will be starting to explore composition and finding 1 more and 1 less.

13th October 2023

Last week, wonder class enjoyed learning about people who help us, both at home and in our community. We read the book ‘A Superhero like you’ and explored lots of different occupations such as police officer, firefighters, doctors and nurses. Continuing with the theme of helping others, this week we started reading the story ‘The Little Red Hen’. The children have enjoyed retelling the story, acting out different parts and talking about the characters. We decided that the animals should have helped the hen if they wanted to share the bread!

We have continued to meet someone new from the phonics shed each day. So far we have learnt the sounds: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c and k so we have been very busy trying to remember how to say and write the sounds. We have also kept practising “saying, stretching and sounding” words. One of our favourite parts of the day has been pen disco, where we lay on our tummies and practise different patterns on the big paper. This will help us to become super strong and make our writing better!

Finally, we would like to say a BIG thank you to Mr Wilson and Mr Mooney who gave up their time to build some of our new outside equipment! The children have loved using our new obstacle course and construction skip and it’s been great to see the new shelter used in lots of different ways. Thank you!

29th September 2023

Wonder Class have had another fun filled couple of weeks at school! Last week we spent lots of time talking about our families and the people who are special to us. We drew lots of pictures and talked about how our families are all different but amazing. We learnt how to match and sort objects in maths, worked on blending sounds in phonics and explored how to use the tablets to complete a simple game.

This week has been super busy! We started to learn about our bodies and enjoyed drawing round our friends, playing doctors and even going on a senses walk to find out what we could see, smell, hear, touch and taste. In maths we have focused on comparing amounts using words “more” and “fewer” but the thing we were most excited about was phonics! We loved meeting Sam, Anna, Tom and Pat from the phonics shed and learning what sounds they make. We enjoyed listened to their songs and stories and practised writing the sounds in lots of different ways; tracing our fingers in the sand, chalking outside and painting. I wonder who we will meet next?

15th September 2023

What a busy start Wonder class have had to their school journey! The children have spent the last few days settling in and getting to know the adults and the environment. We are continuing to learn all the rules and routines of school life. We have started our topic of ‘This is me!’ by focusing on getting to know each other and exploring our similarities and differences. We had a go at painting pictures of ourselves. We have loved listening to the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and exploring the different colours and emotions. The children enjoyed talking about this and have done brilliantly remembering which colour represents which emotion. They even helped The Colour Monster sort his feelings into the correct jars.

This week we also met Joe! He is a character who works at the phonics shed and he taught us good listening skills. We practised listening for sounds in words. Next week we will be exploring blending and we can’t wait to meet more characters from the phonics shed when we start learning lots of sounds! Well done Wonder Class, for completing your first full week of school!

12th July 2024

We have had lots of fun continuing our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ topic over the last couple of weeks. We finished our learning on Billy’s Bucket by writing sentences about the lovely things the children saw using their wonderful imaginations. We then moved on to reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which really got the children thinking about how life can be different in other countries. We talked about the similarities and differences between our village and a village in Kenya and enjoyed writing questions for Handa.

We enjoyed exploring the various fruits and using interesting words to describe them. The children enjoyed feeling what it would be like to carry them on their heads and then had fun trying all the different flavours – there was not much left!

The children also loved taking part in sports day this week and their usual trip to the woods. Finally, we want to say a big well done to everyone in Class R for smashing their learning showcase on Monday! We are so impressed with how hard they have worked on practising their lines and using their big voices. Well done Class R!

12th July 2024

We have had lots of fun continuing our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ topic over the last couple of weeks. We finished our learning on Billy’s Bucket by writing sentences about the lovely things the children saw using their wonderful imaginations. We then moved on to reading ‘Handa’s Surprise’ which really got the children thinking about how life can be different in other countries. We talked about the similarities and differences between our village and a village in Kenya and enjoyed writing questions for Handa.

We enjoyed exploring the various fruits and using interesting words to describe them. The children enjoyed feeling what it would be like to carry them on their heads and then had fun trying all the different flavours – there was not much left!

The children also loved taking part in sports day this week and their usual trip to the woods. Finally, we want to say a big well done to everyone in Class R for smashing their learning showcase on Monday! We are so impressed with how hard they have worked on practising their lines and using their big voices. Well done Class R!

14th June 2024

We started off our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ topic by reading the book ‘The Rainbow Fish’. The children worked on describing the main character and talking about the events of the story before using collaging techniques to create their own beautiful rainbow fish. This week, we started writing our own simple book reviews, talking and writing about the best and worst parts of the story. We also recognised World Ocean Day and talked about the importance of keeping the oceans clean. Some of the children made some lovely posters to encourage people to look after our world.

In maths we learnt about odd and even numbers and enjoyed playing games outside with the big numicon, identifying the odds and evens. This week we have been recapping our learning on number bonds and recalling them quickly. In phonics we continue to develop our sentence writing, carefully listening for all sound and using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. As always the children have enjoyed applying their learning in their exploring time both in and outside.


22nd March 2024

Last week, Class R’s focus story was ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’. The children were happy to receive a letter from Goldilocks asking for their help to write instructions on how to make porridge. They worked hard to use their phonic knowledge and were excited to then make porridge at the woods with Mr Mooney! This week, we explored the book ‘The Jolly Postman’ and all the letters within the story. The children enjoyed writing messages to their friends and they have also started writing letters to someone at home to – keep your eye on the post next week! In computing, we have started to learn how to type our usernames and how to use a mouse to complete a simple game.

In phonics, we have learnt the sounds ar, or, ur and er. It has been great to see more children completing the reading and writing challenges each day. It’s been a busy few weeks in maths too, with the children exploring ways of making 10 using different resources and this week we have learnt all about doubling.

22nd March 2024

Last week, Class R’s focus story was ‘Goldilocks and The Three Bears’. The children were happy to receive a letter from Goldilocks asking for their help to write instructions on how to make porridge. They worked hard to use their phonic knowledge and were excited to then make porridge at the woods with Mr Mooney! This week, we explored the book ‘The Jolly Postman’ and all the letters within the story. The children enjoyed writing messages to their friends and they have also started writing letters to someone at home to – keep your eye on the post next week! In computing, we have started to learn how to type our usernames and how to use a mouse to complete a simple game.

In phonics, we have learnt the sounds ar, or, ur and er. It has been great to see more children completing the reading and writing challenges each day. It’s been a busy few weeks in maths too, with the children exploring ways of making 10 using different resources and this week we have learnt all about doubling.


15th September 2023

What a busy start Wonder class have had to their school journey! The children have spent the last few days settling in and getting to know the adults and the environment. We are continuing to learn all the rules and routines of school life. We have started our topic of ‘This is me!’ by focusing on getting to know each other and exploring our similarities and differences. We had a go at painting pictures of ourselves. We have loved listening to the story ‘The Colour Monster’ and exploring the different colours and emotions. The children enjoyed talking about this and have done brilliantly remembering which colour represents which emotion. They even helped The Colour Monster sort his feelings into the correct jars.

This week we also met Joe! He is a character who works at the phonics shed and he taught us good listening skills. We practised listening for sounds in words. Next week we will be exploring blending and we can’t wait to meet more characters from the phonics shed when we start learning lots of sounds! Well done Wonder Class, for completing your first full week of school!

Last year's Blog 2022-2023

20th July 2023

Our final few weeks in Wonder Class have been as busy as ever! We finished off our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ topic with lots of learning about Handa’s surprise. We enjoyed acting out the story, comparing our own village to Handa’s village in Kenya, trying lots of exotic fruits, making sun summer drinks in our outside area and even learning a fantastic song and playing instruments in time. The children have also continued to work hard to apply their phonics skills to writing sentences about the story as well as how to keep safe in the sun. It has been such a fun few weeks!

We finished off our topic with a lovely trip to the park where we enjoyed a picnic together, played with friends and enjoyed a treat from the ice cream van. What a wonderful year we have had together. We could not be prouder of everything the children have achieved and it has been an absolute pleasure! We hope everyone has a wonderful summer.

16th June 2023

We have had a lovely start to our final half term in reception! We kicked off our ‘Sun, sea and sand’ focusing on the story ‘The Rainbow Fish.’ The story provided some great talking points for the children and we all shared our thoughts on the events and characters. It was great to hear the children talking about what makes a kind friend and how the characters could have solved problems. The children had a go at making their own rainbow fish using different techniques such as collaging, printing with celery to create scales and using water colours. Some children also wrote a simple book review which they are hoping to share with their reading buddies. They have also enjoyed lots of outdoor and water play to keep cool in the heat!

We have continued to work hard in maths, consolidating key skills, recalling double facts and exploring sharing and halving. In phonics, we are working on reading longer words containing the digraphs we know and it has been wonderful to see such lovely sentence writing. Great job Wonder Class!

25th May 2023

We can’t believe our ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’ topic is coming to an end – what a fun one it has been! Last week the children continued to learn about Avocado Baby, where they enjoyed caring for the babies in class and writing super sentences about how strong and mighty the baby in the story was. They also painted some wonderful pictures of the baby, thinking carefully about the colours and shapes needed and using thin brushes to add detail. We explored ways of looking after our minds and bodies, including happy breathing, fun and exercise and eating a range of foods. The children absolutely loved making their own fruit kebabs for afternoon snack – they went down a treat! Alongside this, we have been carefully observing our caterpillars and talking about the change that is happening. We loved learning the word ‘metamorphosis’. In maths we have been exploring sharing into equal groups before we move onto halving amounts in a few weeks and in phonics we continue to consolidate our learning and develop our sentence writing. We are now looking forward to our final topic ‘Sun, sea and sand.’ Happy half term Wonder Class!

12th May 2023

What a busy couple of weeks we have had in Wonder Class! Last week we had fun learning all about the coronation and sharing interesting facts about King Charles. They produced some lovely writing about his age, where he was born, his children and what he likes to do. They were very impressed that he learnt how to fly a helicopter! They also had fun making beautiful paper plate crowns with Mrs De’ath ready for their celebrations. Linking to our ‘Ready, Steady, Grow’ topic, the children enjoyed planting their own coronation sunflowers with Mrs Joy and talking about how to care for them. Some of them are growing really well already!

This week we have begun to read the story ‘Avocado Baby’ and we have loved sharing pictures of us as babies and talking about how we have grown and changed. In maths, we have been learning to double amounts. We had fun on the field, choosing a numicon piece and finding different natural objects to represent what double that amount is. As always, Wonder Class continue to work hard and show a really positive attitude towards their learning. Great job!

28th April 2023

Wonder Class have had a great start to the summer term. We kicked off our ‘Ready, steady, grow!’ topic by reading the story ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk.’ The children have become experts at retelling it and they have enjoyed writing words and sentences about what happened in the story. They have been busy learning about what a bean needs to grow and they have loved creating their own garden centre outside with Mrs Joy. A favourite activity last week was using magic clay to make our own minibeasts. The children loved exploring the texture of the clay and manipulating it in different ways to create their butterflies, slugs, snails, spiders and ladybirds.

This week we have also started to explore ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and learnt about the lifecycle of a butterfly. The children produced some lovely writing and drawing to explain this. In maths, we have been learning to use what we know about 10 to build bigger numbers. The children used the numicon to explore how teen numbers are made up of a full ten plus some extras! Well done Wonder Class.

31st March

Wonder Class have had such a busy couple of weeks as we come to the end of our ‘Once Upon a Time’ topic. The children finished off their learning about Goldilocks and the Three Bears by following the instructions they wrote to make some yummy porridge. We then began exploring the story ‘The Jolly Postman’, where he delivers letters to all our favourite characters. The children have been very busy writing their own letters and were so excited address them, add the stamp and walk to the post box to send them. The whole class were so sensible on our walk and showed how children at de Vere are kind, safe and responsible. We then spent the afternoon in the park, having filled up our reward board and we had the best time!

It has been an exciting few weeks as we also began to learn about Easter. The children have enjoyed listening to and talking about the Easter story and why it is special to Christians and they have explored lots of Easter activities. They were so excited to go to the church and show their lovely spring time pictures and sing to the whole school and their parents.

The children have continued to work really hard in maths, where we have been learning about 3D shapes and repeating patterns and their reading and writing skills continue to get better and better! Well done Wonder Class – you have had another amazing term and worked so hard! Next half term we will be starting our new topic, ‘Ready, Steady, Grow!’ Have a lovely Easter break!

17th March 2024

This week in Wonder Class, we have been having lots of fun completing science week activities. Our first challenge was to send a message to Obama Class on a boat! We had to think carefully about which materials would be best and then explore how to get it moving. The children worked together to create a water way using the guttering and successfully delivered the message! We also explored the famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning and created a diorama to show her work.

Over the past fortnight we have continued to explore the traditional tales ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’. The children created some wonderful textured houses for the pigs and they were excited to receive a letter from Goldilocks asking for their help to write some instructions on how to make porridge. This also inspired some children to write a message back to her which was wonderful to see.

The children have continued to work hard in maths and have enjoyed exploring subtraction using different methods. They have also learnt how to use a computer mouse and use the class laptop to play maths and phonics games.

Next week we are going to be exploring the story ‘The Jolly Postman’ who delivers letters to lots of well known fairy tale characters. We are looking forward to writing our own letters and sending them home to our adults.

3rd March 2023

Wonder Class have had the best start to the second half of the spring term! We started off our ‘One Upon a Time’ topic, reading the story ‘Mr Wolf’s pancakes. The children loved writing their own pancake shopping lists but their favourite activity was definitely decorating their own pancakes with lots of yummy ingredients! This week we have begun to explore another story that stars the Big Bad Wolf! The children have enjoyed telling the story of The Three Little Pigs through their play, building strong houses and painting and drawing the characters. Again, we have seen some lovely writing about the story too.

We were also really excited about a new addition to our class. Thanks to our wonderful friends committee, we now have a Tonie Box in our class and the children have loved borrowing different Tonies to listen to their favourite songs and stories. This has really encouraged super listening skills, brilliant turn taking, lovely singing and even more great writing opportunities as the children enjoyed writing down which Tonie they would like to borrow. We are so grateful!

Next week we will be continuing with The Three little Pigs as our main text and we are going to be created wanted posters to help track down the wolf!

10th February 2023

Wonder Class have had a great couple of weeks continuing their ‘Animal Adventures’ topic by exploring the book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ by Michael Rosen. We have retold the story, created our own story maps and even gone on our own pretend bear hunt in our outside area. The children have enjoyed using new vocabulary to describe the different settings in the story and have had a go at writing these words in simple sentences. They also enjoyed exploring hibernation and completing an experiment to see which materials would keep a hot water bottle the warmest in the cold winter weather.

We had the best afternoon on Thursday when we had lots of different animals come to visit us, including Peter the lizard, Dave the rabbit, Betty & Bubba the meerkats and Dionne the tarantula. The children were so brave and loved meeting the animals and learning all about them. Well done Wonder Class on another fantastic six weeks. We are looking forward to starting our ‘One Upon a Time’ topic after half term!

27th January 2023

Over the last two weeks, the children in Wonder Class have enjoyed lots of learning about animals. Last week, we focused on pets and explored non-fiction texts to find out interesting things about them, and then used our phonic knowledge to have a go at writing a simple fact. We were also very lucky to have a visit from Mrs Auld, who taught us all about what it is like to work at a veterinary practice. We got to explore lots of different equipment and even had a go at bandaging a poorly tiger. Thank you Mrs Auld!

This week we have explored Lunar New Year. We learnt about different traditions and cultures and even tried noodles. Our focus story was ‘The Great Race’ and the children enjoyed drawing pictures and writing all about the animals who competed to have a year names after them. Well done Wonder class for another great few weeks.

13th January 2023

What an amazing start to the Spring term Wonder class have had! The children came back from the holidays eager to learn and they enjoyed talking and writing about all the lovely gifts they got for Christmas. We then began our topic of ‘Animal Adventures!’ by exploring the story ‘Walking through the jungle’. The children loved the story and then enjoyed pretending to be explorers, imagining what they would see on their jungle journey. It was fantastic to see so many children having a go at writing ‘I can see…’ sentences and using their phonic knowledge to spell the animal names. We also learnt how to add detail to our paintings and the children produced some amazing jungle animal art!

We have begun Chapter 3 of phonics shed, which the children seem to be really enjoying and in maths we have been focusing on number bonds to 5. We have also been working on our subitising skills and the children loved using the ‘One minute maths’ app to help them with this - https://whiterosemaths.com/1-minute-maths

Finally, Wonder Class would like to say a huge thank you to Mr Wilson who has made us a wonderful stage for our outside area! The children are really excited to use it in their imaginative play. THANK YOU!

9th December 2022

Wonder Class have been getting Christmassy! We have busy taking part in lots of different festive activities during our exploring time, from making cards, acting out the nativity story, selling hot chocolate in our ‘Winter Wonderland’ role play area and pretending to deliver presents outside! We have also had a special visitor every day…Buddy the elf has been sent from the North Pole to keep an eye on us and set us challenges! There has been lots of lovely writing and drawing happening each day! We have really enjoyed learning all about baby Jesus and talking about the events of the Christmas story and have been practising SO hard for our own Nativity. We hope you love it!

25th November 2022

We have been as busy as ever in Class R over the last two weeks! We have especially enjoyed becoming artists, where we explored the work of Kandinsky and then painted our own masterpieces whilst listening to some lovely calming music. The children enjoyed it so much that this week we listened to music whilst we all drew our favourite characters from the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’. We also really enjoyed Children in Need, where we learnt all about Pudsey and had fun giving him his spots!

It has been great to see lots of the children writing words from ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story this week and we are looking forward to exploring the story further next week. We have also been working so hard to learn our songs for the Nativity. We can’t wait for you all to see it!

11th November 2022

We have made a great start to our topic ‘Let’s Celebrate’ over the past two weeks! We of course started off the term very excited about Halloween. The children loved sharing their experiences, making spooky potions and taking part in our pumpkin number challenge. We also learnt lots about fireworks, including how to stay safe on bonfire night and why it is celebrated. It has been great to hear that the children have been sharing their knowledge of this at home too! This week the children have enjoyed learning about Remembrance and using their art skills to create some lovely poppy pictures. A definite highlight of this week has been starting ‘Pen disco’, where the children have a wiggle whilst developing their fine motor skills.

Wonder class have continued to work hard in phonics where we have been really focusing on our blending and segmenting skills in order to read and write words. Next week we are looking forward to learning about the story ‘The Scarecrow’s wedding’ and using our phonic knowledge to write lists for the characters!

7th October 2022

We have had another busy couple of weeks in Wonder class. We have been focusing on the story ‘The Little Red Hen’ and the children have absolutely loved it! We made our own story map and have been retelling the story using pictures and actions. The children have explored lots of fun themed tuff trays, making pretend bread in the playdough area and even making their own toast for snack – that was definitely a favourite! It was great to see the children working on their independence. We also really enjoyed going on a senses walk around the school grounds and thinking about the different things we could see, smell, touch and hear.

In phonics, we have focused a lot of blending and segmenting, which will help us with our reading and writing. We have met lots of new characters from the phonics shed and explored the sounds they make. In maths, we have explored comparing quantity using more/less and vocabulary such as taller/shorter. We are looking forward to practising our careful counting next week and learning more sounds.

September 23rd 2022

What a great start Wonder class have had to their school journey! They have settled in so well and are continuing to learn all the rules and routines of school life. During our topic of ‘This is me!’, we have focused a lot on learning each other’s names, talking about our families, speaking and listening and taking turns. The children have really enjoyed exploring ‘The colour monster’, talking about their feelings and working together to create collages, just like in the story. They have also really enjoyed all the opportunities they have to explore outside, especially going on nature walks and making lead crowns.

In phonics, we met Joe! He is from the phonics shed and he taught us good listening skills, all about initial sounds and next week we will be learning about blending. We are excited to start learning individual sounds soon. Well done on a great first few weeks Wonder Class!

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