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Year 2- Rosa Parks Class

Class 2 Curriculum Autumn 1

Welcome to Parks Class! 

Welcome to Parks Class!

My name is Mrs Marsh and I work with Mrs Sears who is the best LSA that there is! Mrs Westrop teaches Science on Monday afternoon.

Year 2 marks the last year of KS1 and it is very exciting and busy year. The children learn lots and take part in many exciting opportunities linked to our topics;

Autumn 1 Famous Queens

Autumn 2 Our Capital City – London (Build the Tower of London experience at school)

Spring 1 Hot and Cold Places (Zoo Experience at school)

Spring 2 The Great Fire of London (National Archives Office - virtual experience)

Summer 1 Space Explorers (Space Day)

Summer 2 Beside the Seaside


We have our Forest School sessions on alternate Tuesdays and PE lesson on a Wednesday.

Please ensure you read the newsletter which will come out every 2 weeks on a Friday. This will contain the most up to date information about what is going on in school and links to the website where our class blog will be updated with what we have been getting up to.

Please name all items of clothing and belongings as we are then able to ensure that everything is returned to its owner.

As always, if you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to speak with me at the end of school, via email s.marsh@devere.essex.sch.uk or leave a message via the school office if it is more urgent.


11th October 2024

Rosa Parks Class have been so busy. We have finished our learning about Famous Queens and I am very impressed with the wealth of knowledge that the children have gained about Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. Not only are they now experts on the Tudor, Victorian and New Millenium era but that have gained the history skill of ordering chronologically.

In English, the children have become authors and illustrators! They have written a sequel to Goldilocks and the Three Bears and even published them into a book. The children are looking forward to sharing them with you when you look at their work during the Parent Consultations.

In Maths, we are learning to add and subtract via 10. It is a tricky concept but the great knowledge of number bonds to 10 are helping us along.

Do you remember Art Attack? In Art we are building up to having our own Art Attack session. It is based on the sculpture Andy Goldsworthy who uses natural materials to create his master pieces. So far, we have learnt about how we can use line and colour within our sculptures. We look forward to sharing our creations with you.

13th September 2024

What a fabulous start to the year Rosa Parks Class have had! Our topic this half term is Famous Queens and I know the children would already be able to tell you who these Famous Queens are. 

In English, we are reading Goldilocks and the three Bears and the children have already shown off their writing skills to re-write this traditional tale. 

In Maths,  we have been learning to partition numbers to 100. We have been focussing on using mathematical vocabulary accurately to describe the composition of 2-digit numbers to 100. 

On top of this we have enjoyed a fun outdoor science lesson with Mrs Westrop and used our physical skills to climb trees at the woods. 

Mrs Sears and I are really looking forward to all the fun learning experiences we have planned this year, especially as we have such a great group of children to share them with.


28th June 2024

Elton Class has been engrossed in a fascinating project centred around the book 'We Are Water Protectors'. We have been honing our persuasive writing skills by crafting speeches aimed at protecting the pond at Hedingham Castle. This exercise has not only improved our writing abilities but also taught us the importance of environmental conservation. Additionally, we've been focusing on effective public speaking techniques, helping to build confidence in expressing our ideas. We're thrilled to share that you can view some of these impressive speeches in the videos below.

In our art lessons, creativity has been flowing as freely as water! The children have been exploring watercolour techniques to create stunning under-the-sea pictures. They've also been practising the intricate skill of weaving to produce realistic fish scales, combining art with fine motor skills development.

Mathematics has been equally engaging, with our current focus on position and direction. I'm pleased to report that the students are making excellent progress in using precise language to describe turns, enhancing their spatial awareness and mathematical vocabulary.


14th June 2024

This week, we celebrated Healthy Eating Week, and Elton Class had the opportunity to make and savour delicious salads. The children ensured that their creations included items from each of the food groups, showcasing their knowledge of balanced nutrition. Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Sears were  impressed by the variety of foods the children enthusiastically ate.

In Geography, we've been exploring the fascinating world of the seaside and the different ways the land meets the ocean. I wonder if your child can recall all the various landforms they've learned about?

Mathematics has been keeping us on our toes as we tackle the challenge of telling time to 5-minute intervals. It's been a tricky task, but our perseverance is paying off, and we're making great strides.

Continuing our journey through the curriculum, Computing has introduced us to the world of algorithms and debugging. These concepts have put our perseverance skills to the test, but we're embracing the challenge with enthusiasm.

Looking ahead, we're eagerly anticipating the upcoming Father's Day celebration on Monday. Our 'Hot Dog, Hug and Health and Fitness' event promises to be a delightful occasion where we can honour and appreciate the special men and people in our lives.

24th May 2024

Elton Class have rounded of the half-term with an exciting DT project, where they have skillfully crafted moon buggies using wheels, axles, chassis, and body components. The used saws to cut their axles and were particularly impressed with their safety skills when using tools. The Children had to  make a crucial decision between using free-moving or fixed axles, showcasing their problem-solving abilities. In Maths, they have impressed us with their proficiency in finding two-thirds and three-quarters of amounts. Additionally, their English recounts have been nothing short of amazing, demonstrating their ability to use all the skills that we have learnt throughout the year.

Another highlight of our term was the Pro Strike event, where Mrs. Sears emerged as the winner, albeit by a narrow margin. It was a fantastic display of friendly competition and sportsmanship.

As we approach the half-term break, let's keep our fingers crossed for sunny weather, allowing us to recharge and rejuvenate before the next term.


10th May 2024

Elton Class has been diligently working through their busy schedule, and they've successfully completed their History unit on Neil Armstrong's moon landing. Brace yourselves for an out-of-this-world Space Day on Friday, where they'll showcase their newfound knowledge in an awe-inspiring manner.

In English, our young authors have once again demonstrated their creativity by crafting their own captivating "loosing tales," inspired by the enchanting book "Toys in Space" by Mini Grey. Their imaginative stories are sure to transport us to realms of wonder and excitement.

Moving on to Mathematics, the class has embarked on a new unit exploring the world of Fractions. Their impressive grasp of finding fractions of amounts has left Mrs. Marsh and Mrs. Sears beaming with pride.

One of the true highlights of the past fortnight was our visit to the Tennis Club, where we had the opportunity to hone our tennis skills under the expert guidance of Tom. It was a challenging yet rewarding experience, as we embraced a growth mindset and persevered until most of us mastered the art of hitting the ball with the racket.

26th April 2024

Elton Class has had a fantastic start to the Summer term, diving into our new topic on Neil Armstrong's Moon Landing. The children have been immersed in learning about the major events in his life and have impressed us with their non-chronological reports. In English, we are exploring the world of Toys in Space by Mini Grey, sparking creativity in writing invitations, space logs, and letters.

In Maths, our focus is on measurement, with the children enjoying learning about mass, temperature, and capacity. They are already mastering the differences between ml and l, g and kg.

One of the highlights of our return to school has been the tennis sessions with Tom from Hedingham Tennis Club. The children are thrilled and eager for the next session.

We are looking forward to the rest of the term and all the exciting learning opportunities ahead.


22nd March 2024

Firstly, I want to commend the efforts of Elton class during Science week. They delved into the fascinating life of Mary Anning and were truly inspired by her story of perseverance. Despite facing numerous challenges, the students demonstrated remarkable resilience and even created stunning dioramas to showcase their understanding of her work. What impressed me the most was their confidence during the Science Showcase Assembly, where they presented their learning with clarity and conviction.

In History, our students have become true experts on The Great Fire of London. Their wealth of knowledge has grown exponentially, and they are now preparing non-chronological reports to share their expertise with others. I cannot wait to see their displays, which promise to be both informative and captivating.

Our Religious Education lessons have focused on the Jewish religion, particularly the significance of the Sabbath and the Passover meal. The children are eagerly anticipating their own Passover meal tomorrow, where they will have the opportunity to experience this important tradition firsthand.

In PSHE, we have been tackling the issue of bullying. Through open discussions, we have learned that bullying takes various forms and can stem from different motivations. Our students now understand that the key to tackling bullying is to confide in a trusted adult, who will provide the necessary support and guidance.

We wish you all a wonderful Easter break.

8th March 2024

In Elton Class, we have been delving into the fascinating world of The Great Fire of London. We have been exploring the main events that took place during this historic fire, as well as uncovering why it spread so rapidly. It's incredible to see their curiosity flourish as they examine various sources of information that have deepened our understanding of this significant event.

Over in English, we've been focusing on the differences between writing in the past and present tense. Where we have been learning about the different suffixes we can add to verbs to change their tense.

In Maths, we've embarked on an exciting journey into the world of multiplication and division. The students are filled with enthusiasm as we begin practicing rapid recall of the timetables on Times Tables Rockstars. It is great to see their confidence grow.

In PE, we're honing our orienteering skills. It's a fantastic way to promote teamwork, problem-solving, and a love for the great outdoors.

We're eagerly looking forward to next week's Science week, where we'll be diving into the world of Mary Anning. To make the learning experience even more immersive, we kindly request that each student brings a shoe box into school on Monday. These will be used to create dioramas that will enhance their understanding of Mary Anning's discoveries.


2nd February 2024

We have been so impressed with the children’s persuasive letter writing skills. They recently wrote letters to another class, persuading them to adopt more sustainable practices. Their ability to use the features of a persuasive letter effectively was great and we were all thoroughly impressed.

Additionally, we have successfully completed our Geography unit on Hot and Cold Places. The children's knowledge in this area has been remarkable. To showcase their understanding, a debate was held to determine the better place to live: the Arctic or Kenya. The children’s persuasive skills, honed during their letter writing unit, proved invaluable in this debate.

In Mathematics, the focus has been on money. The children have been utilising their addition and subtraction skills to tackle various money-related problems.

In music, the children have made great strides in playing the glockenspiel. They have now advanced to composing their own pieces of music, showcasing their creativity and musicality.

Looking ahead, we are excited to embark on our Art unit next week. The children will be learning the art of weaving, exploring different techniques and materials. I am certain that this unit will foster their creativity and provide them with a new and exciting outlet for self-expression.


19th January 2024

Elton class have had an amazing start to 2024!

The children have hit the ground running with their learning about Hot and Cold Places. They have been busy naming and locating continents and oceans, as well as discovering that countries near the equator have the hottest climate in the world. They have also been able to locate the north and south poles on a map, which has been an exciting adventure for them.

In Maths, the children have been exploring the fascinating world of geometry. Specifically, they have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. The lessons have been engaging and interactive, with the children using their mathematical language to solve riddles and puzzles.

In English, the children are currently focusing on persuasive writing. They are learning how to write persuasive letters, so parents, you had better watch out! I am sure they will be using their newfound skills to try and convince you of various requests and ideas.

A friendly reminder that our PE day has been moved to Wednesdays. Please ensure that your child comes to school with their earrings removed and a PE kit ready. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated.


15th December 2023

What an amazing performance of “Christmas with the Aliens"! We are so proud of the children. They put on an amazing production with some acting, dancing and singing skills. I'm sure you'll agree that we have some budding performers in Elton Class.

In English, we have continued to focus our learning around 'Mog's Christmas' by Judith Kerr. We have been focusing on using conjunctions to join sentences together.

In Design Technology, we have been learning about Freestanding Structures. We have learnt that how to make hollow cylinders in order to support structures, that staggered walls are stronger than vertical stacks. We have also been designing bridges that are strong and stable using straws. It has been great to see how the children have used their evaluation skills to improve upon their constructions.

We wish you a happy, healthy Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back to school in the new year.

1st December 2023

As Christmas is fast approaching, Elton Class are continuing to rehearse for their Christmas Production of “Aliens at Christmas”.

In Maths, Elton Class have been working hard on their addition and subtraction skills. Specifically, they have been learning how to add and subtract two two-digit numbers while exchanging tens and ones. It's been amazing to see their progress and the confidence they have gained in this area.

In English, our focus has been on developing the features of a recount. We have explored different contexts, from recounting our village walk to significant places in Castle Hedingham, to learning interesting facts about these locations. Additionally, in Geography, we have continued our exploration of London and its famous landmarks. The children have been using compass point directions and map skills to give directions from one landmark to another, further enhancing their understanding of the city.

In Religious Education, we are currently delving into the story of the Holy Family and the Christmas narrative. It is important for you to be aware of your child’s role in the upcoming Christmas production and the costume they will require.

3rd November 2023

Elton Class have made a fantastic start to the half term. We concluded last half term we our final arts lessons where the children have been fully immersed in creativity. Inspired by the renowned artist Andy Goldsworthy, they have crafted magnificent sculptures that explore lines, shapes, and colors. Their attention to detail and artistic expression is truly commendable. Furthermore, during our Art Attack afternoon, the children collaborated to create a stunning collage of Queen Victoria. Their dedication and teamwork were impressive.

In English, we have been focusing on enhancing our language skills. The children have been utilising their knowledge of nouns, verbs, and adjectives to write heartfelt poems about how they can contribute to making the world a happier place. Their creativity and thoughtfulness have been inspiring.

Together we have recently decided on our upcoming Christmas Production. The children are eagerly looking forward to sharing the details with you shortly. We have no doubt that their hard work and enthusiasm will result in a memorable and enjoyable performance for all.

13th October 2023

Elton class have had a great fortnight. In English we have been learning about the poet Joseph Coelho and his book 'If All the World Were'. We have been learning how to include statements, commands and questions in poems to engage the reader. In addition, we are learning how we can carefully use adjectives and nouns to help the reader form an image in their mind. 

In Maths, we have begun our unit on addition and subtraction. We have been using Rekenreks to help with bridging through 10.

In Art, we have learned about the sculptor Andy Goldsworthy. Whilst at Forest School, we collected leaves, acorns, conkers, bark, and other natural resources to use in our own sculpture. We have explored line, colour and shape. We are excited to utilise our skills in our Art Attack next week! 

29th September 2023

We are excited to share with you the fantastic learning experiences that have taken place over the fortnight. In English, our talented young writers have delved into the world of fairy tales by crafting their own sequels to the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The children worked hard to ensure that their sentences began in different ways. The creativity and imagination demonstrated in the task was impressive.

In Maths, the children have successfully completed their unit on place value. They have displayed excellent skills and understanding, as reflected in their scores on the end-of-unit assessment. They are now applying this knowledge to investigations and real-world problems.

Continuing our learning about famous queens, our class has been comparing life during different periods. They have demonstrated their knowledge by creating 'Queen Quizzes' and have tested Mrs. White's knowledge of the monarchy! 

In Religious Education, Elton class had an exciting time creating Christingles. I wonder if the children can recall the significance of the component parts?

15th September 2023

What a start to Elton Class! The children have settled in beautifully showing us their positive learning attitudes and their kind and caring traits. 

Our topic this half term is Famous Queens. I wonder if your child can tell you which famous queens we are focusing on? I'll give you a clue, one reigned in the Tudor period, the other in the Victorian period and the last in the Millennial period. 

In English, we are reading Lauren Child's version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We have explored positive and negative adjectives that we can use to describe Goldilocks, using the conjunction because accurately and starting sentences with a variety of time phrases. The children have used the skills to rewrite the story.  Many of them were impressive reads. 

The children have really wowed us with their substantial place value knowledge. They have become experts in partitioning numbers to 100 in a variety of ways. Our next step is having a go at using our knowledge in mathematical investigations. We will let you know how we get on next time. 

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