We are an Eco-School
Eco Newsletters

Spring term update from our Eco-Council
As part of our Eco-School work, the committee carried out an environmental review of the school grounds. We are doing well in some areas, such as our progress with sustainable transport and litter, and decided that we could make more improvements in the areas of bio-diversity, healthy living and waste. Some actions we have decided on are:
Bio-diversity: Count the number of wildlife habitats and homes around school, and create some more.
Healthy Living: Carefully choose plants to grow that can be used in school meals and in the planned tuck shop.
Waste: Food waste to be collected in caddies and put in the compost bins.
We have also come up with our Eco-code for this year which is ‘Nurture Nature’, which reflects our understanding of how we need to care for the environment. We know that many hands make light work, so we have started an Eco-club on Tuesday lunchtimes which is open to all pupils who would like to do their bit to help de Vere ‘Nurture Nature’.
Finally, if you have any items that we could make use of and would like to donate them then we’d be very grateful. Left over seeds, kitchen food caddies not being used, or bird feeders or bird houses that you no longer want would be particularly useful.
Forest School
At de Vere all children experience the wonders of Forest School. Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through learner inspired, hands-on experiences in a natural setting. This approach supports our curriculum to facilitate all our children to be ‘life-long learners’. Children in EYFS and KS1, have a weekly Forest School sessions and the children in KS2 have a session once every 4 weeks.